Friday, January 1, 2010

stupidity continues

Well, first of all. I want to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!

Earth is having a birthday today and He's getting (much more) older. 2010, isn't it amazing?? Okay, lil' bit out of the topic i guess. Because actually, i want to share my New Year Eve last night with my best friends. Since people said, picture speaks thousand words. So, I decided to uploaded the pictures from last night. May you enjoy it. :)

Caption: Me & Cicit waiting for the others to come

Habis makan-makan para lelaki langsung meraih stick buat main game bola. Wanita nonton sambil ngobrol-ngobrol. Liat yang dijambak sendy! YAP, abe jadi kasur kedua kita. Haha.

Sambil nunggu jam 12 teng, kami pun berfoto-foto ria di webcam padahal niat awalnya adalah nonton film. Haha.

RUSUHHH!!!!! Hahaha.

Yap, beginilah keadaan di rumah Cicit sepanjang malam. Hehehe.

Ini waktu kembang api udah menghiasi langit malam tahun 2010.

Fireworks shower over our head. :)

Setelah ribut-ribut ngeliat kembang api gratisan dikasihlah another free fireworks dari tetangga Cicit yang baik hati itu. Gimana ga baik? Udah kita ribut banget masih nggak dilemparin Mangga juga. *Apa hubungannya mangga dengan ini? Gue juga nggak tau.

Well, as I said at the opening, Happy New Year 2010 Everyone. Hopefully this year we'll be better. AMINN........ :D


  1. i hate i can't come..
    i'm feel dirty and not great for all of you..
    i'm so horriable..
    i love you and i need you...

  2. yaampun sayang jangan mikir ky gitu ahh. kita percaya kamu kok. semuanya pasti ada sebab dan alasannya. oke oke. we're still friend no matter what! :)
