Monday, January 25, 2010

movies recommendation

i loveeeeeeeeeeee watching movie. good movie for me is the one which can make me feel the emotion of the movie itself and also can teach us something. good actor or actress doesn't need to be beautiful or handsome but they need to know how to act. act is making people believe the feeling is real. that's why, for me, those who has the beauty and also can act wonderful is ahh-mazing, and i mean, Hollywood stars. actually, i wanna share the latest movie i saw in star movies this noon. (god bless!):

the boy in the striped pajamas

maybe some of you doesn't like this kind of genre. yeah, too heavy and lil bit sad. for some reason i hate sad movies because it feels suck crying for something 'unreal' but i feel the urge to saw this movie since i first saw the novel.

the movie tells about Bruno's life. he's a son of Nazi's soldier. they have to move in to the new house which is only miles away from the camp. i believe you know about the camp in Nazi's story. it's to imprison Jewish. 8 years old Bruno has no friend, that's why he is exploring and found the camp. then he met Shmuel, the little Jewish. they become friend, secretly. little by little Bruno found out that the camp isn't as fun as people told and his father isn't a good soldier as he thought he was. i won't break the surprise about the ending here, but if you really want to know i'll give you a hint. the ending was tragic and unpredictable. that's why you need to see the movie. the one that really touch my heart is the expression of Pavel, the Jewish man that used to be a doctor but now he has to cut potatoes. uhhhh, i can't described it but it felt so real. and i called him good actor whether he's not the star of the movie. i like him.

the truth is, i don't know. really. who's right or wrong. i feel bad about the Jewish for the Holocaust but i can't justify their act to treat Muslim like what they did by now. because it's horrible when you take a look what happen in Palestine. seriously, i can't tell you even -just- my opinion because i think to talk we need to have a significant proof to support our opinion. we can't just talk nonsense. so that, all i can do is hoping and praying that those people can wake up one day and realize that war will create nothing but emptiness and tragedy. and giving mercy isn't show that we're weak but show that we have more power. because not everybody can forgive and forget. i pray for Palestine. i pray for Afghanistan. i pray for every little injustice in this world, hopefully things can be right. sooner or later. aminnnnnnnnnnn........................ :)

here is the reference for good movies and my opinion (in stars) :

1. October Sky, genre: drama, biography (4 stars)
2. Forrest Gump, genre: drama, romance (4 stars)
3. The Women, genre: drama (3 stars)
4. Hostel Part II, genre: horror, thriller (4 stars)
5. The butterfly effect 3: Revelations, genre: Horror, thriller, Sci-Fi (3 stars)
6. 27 dresses, genre: romantic comedy (3 1/2 stars)
7. The devil wears Prada, genre: romantic comedy (3 1/2 stars)
8. Prime, genre: romantic, drama (4 stars)
9. Humming, genre: romantic, drama (3 1/2 stars)
10. Penelope, genre: comedy romantic (4 stars)

Enjoy your holiday for those who just started it. And welcome back to real life for me. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

my looklet

yap, karena ga ada kerjaan gue jadi lagi serng main looklet. it's fun and refreshing. :) you should try this one too.

here is some cool fashion-website:
1. Looklet
2. Lookbook
3. Polyvore
4. Chictopia

Have FUN, guys!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

5 things

5 favorite snacks/desserts:

1. Pocky Banana

2. Fro-Yo Tutti Frutti (original mixed with strawberry, my fav!)

3. Ice Cream cookies and cream flavor. YUMMIEE!!

4. choco chips cookies

5. full cream milk. :)

5 books that make me laugh:

1. hai miiko

2. detective conan

3. confession of a shopaholic the series

4. lagak jakarta

5. my accounting books. no kidding! bikin tertawa sambil meringis maksudnya. hehe. :p

5 things I will do for the near future:

1. kuliah yang rajin. (semoga! aminn..)

2. go shopping and find something unique and interesting. :)

3. learn adobe illustrator and photoshop (HARUS!!!)

4. menemukan kos/kontrakan yang baru.

5. nonton konser Kings of Convenience

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pelajaran no.1

Hari ini gue habis dari Depok. Bagi yang ga tau, Depok itu kota ke dua gue dimana rumah ke dua gue (kos-an) dan tempat temen-temen tersayang (juga pacar) -saat kuliah- berada. Salah satu teman gue, Ika, lagi ngunjunggin kos-an jauh-jauh dari Palembang untuk menemani mbak Ayi, kakaknya yang baru keterima S2 Teknik Kimia UI. Wohooo, congratulation! :) Kita pun memanfatkan momen ini buat nyari kos-an yang lebih mumpuni. Yap, udah banyak orang yang protes sama kos-an gue yang sekarang, contoh:

Wira: Banyak nyamuk banget sih, yang?
Mas Amri: Kos-an nisa kok kayak rumah hantu gini?
Icha, Tia: Chai, kosan lo serem abis, kayak mau rubuh.

Ya, itu hanya sedikit cuplikan dari komentar-komentar yang ga pernah gue masukin ke hati. Karena walau kondisi dari luar kos-an gue lumayan buruk, gue menemukan teman-teman baik gue disana. :) Dan, besides all the scary facts that I told you, my 'kos-an' not that bad at all. Penjaganya yaitu mbak Ida, baik hati dan buka jasa laundry, murah, cepat, jadi nggak usah repot-repot nenteng-nenteng tas gede ke laundry terdekat. Selain itu, mbak Ida juga jualan makanan -semacam warteg- jadi kalo kelaperan ga usah harus keluar kosan. Kamarnya pun ga buruk-buruk amat dan ada kamar mandi di setiap kamar. See? what you see outside doesn't always reflect what's inside. Walau gitu gue tetep pengen pindah karena harganya yang mulai ga rasional. :(

Nah, jadi pertama-tama gue, Ika dan mbak Ayi berencana makan di Pecel Lele Lela (Enak loh!) habis itu menjelajah. Karena kemarin gue pake sepatu sendal dari Tangerang, gue pun menyabotase sendal Ria yang bertengger manis di depan kamar gue. Tanpa bilang. Hehehehe.
Namun, kejadiaan naas itu pun terjadi. Di perjalanan ke Pecel Lele Lela salah satu tali sendal ria copot! Tapi, karena talinya yang lain masih aman gue pun sok-sok ga perduli.
Agenda kedua adalah ke Margonda Residence. Karena menaiki tangga dan lumayan banyak jalan kondisi si sendal semakin memburuk. Terbukti pas udah keluar dari Margonda Residence kedua tali sendal Ria putus dan nggak bisa dipake! DISASTER! Namun saat gue galau itulah terdengar suara dari samping kanan gue,
"Dijahit aja neng"
Gue, Ika dan mbak Ayi serentak nengok ke kanan gue. Disanalah, entah kebetulan atau keajaiban, ada tukang sol sepatu keliling yang lagi nongkrong. PERSIS di samping gue! AHH-MAZING! Gue pun langsung menyerahkan sendal itu ke abang-abang sol sepatu yang kemungkinan malaikat itu (Hiperbola). Ika pun berkomentar,
"Gile, kayak sinetron abis. Pas banget sendal lo putus ada tukang sol sepatu."
Gue, Ika dan mbak Ayi pun cekikikan ga jelas. Dan gue kembali berpikir. Ternyata benar bahwa setiap kejadian itu emang nggak ada yang kebetulan di dunia, semuanya udah diatur sama Allah SWT. Dan nggak setitik pun embun yang menetes dari daun Allah nggak tau. Yang pasti abang-abang itu udah menyelamatkan gue dari malu jalan tampa sendal dan juga membuat gue belajar satu hal,
1. Sebelum minjam sesuatu tetap harus bilang dulu sama yang punya. Sedeket apapun lo sama orang itu dan walau lo yakin bakal dibolehin sama orangnya.
SO, maaf ya RIAAAA!!!! sendal lo udah gue jahit kok. Hehe. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

random 2

I'm a moody person and also a dead liner. I am good at writing when I feel depressed or down. I did my job fast and nice when the deadline is getting closer. Not to be boastful or something, in fact I do lil' bit disturbed with my moody mind which can't do something right without pressure. I guess that's why I had too much stupid events in my life and not to lie, adrenalin rush is something I love in some cases.

Okay, enough for the crap. I just found out a best friend of mine put my old poem in her blog. It's an honor. So... I want to share it with you guys. My another labile poem, click here. May you enjoy. :)

here is some link to interesting games (love it, love it!):
1. Parampaa
2. AMP games
3. Indo games

Friday, January 8, 2010

another stupidity

As I said in my bio, my life never goes to smooth. I did lots of mistake in my whole life, the stupidest thing, the careless one, etc. And I always think that Lenka and I shared the same mind since her song 'Trouble is a Friend' is just so freaking MEEE!!!!!

Jadi, kemaren gue AKHIRNYA nonton sherlock holmes sama adek gue. Sebenernya ga diboleh sama nyokap soalnya adek gue, aman, hari itu ada les ngaji. Tapi karena selama seminggu ini rencana gue batal mulu ditambah sedikit rayuan kepada mama, akhirnya kita dibolehin pergi dengan syarat adek gue harus ganti les ngajinya jadi minggu. Teteup,hehe.
Pada awalnya, semuanya berjalan lancar2 aja, sampaiii.................... pas gue mau pulang, gue dan adek gue menyadari sesuatu yg fatal yaitu,
jedeng,jedeng,deredeng,deng,deng!!! (back sound)
the problem is, we can't get out if we don't show it. :'( dan pengamanan di Lippo Karawaci itu ketat banget!!! Makin panik lah gue. Dan yang bikin tambah kacau, orang rumah ditelponin ga ada yang bisa. Papa belom pulang kerja, rumah di telpon ga diangkat, apik (adek gue satu lagi) juga ga bisa dihubunguin kedua nomornya. Akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk ngaku aja sama mas-mas parkiran. Kita pun diinterogasi bentar. Tadinya kita sok-sokan mau nyogok gitu walau sebenernya cuma punya duit 55ribu, 40.000 (gue) dan 15.000 (aman)! Gue pun bernegosiasi,

Chay: "mas denda aja dehhh"
memandang sinis ke arah kita berdua
Mas Parkir: "Saya bukan polisi mbak. Kita nggak pake denda-dendaan. Harus sesuai prosedur yang berlaku!"
Chay(dalam hati): ajip... masih ada juga orang jujur. (malu sendiri. :p)

Sebenernya gue bisa aja pulang asal KTP ditahan. Tapi masalahnya adek gue yang masih 15, -atau 16 ya?- tahun itu belom punya KTP dan KTP gue sendiri ILANG!!!! Baru kali ini gue sadar KTP itu penting. Oke, pas ngisi formulir gue juga sering kebingungan sih gara-gara KTP ilang. -Jadi gue bertekad ngurus tuh KTP liburan ini- Nah kita pun menyerahkan KTM (Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa) gue dan KTP (Kartu Pelajar) kadaluarsa adek gue. Adek gue yang masih kelas 1 SMA belom dapet Kartu Pelajar SMA, dan masih make kartu pelajar SMPnya. Makin nggak boleh lah kami keluar.

Chay: "Mas, KTM saya juga susah kok ngurusnya kayak KTP." (kesel juga lama-lama)
Mas Parkir: "Saya juga tahu mbak, saya juga mahasiswa!"
Chay: "Ohh.." Makin nggak enak deh gue. Hehehe..

Pokoknya gue bolak-balik nego sama si mas-mas parkir sampai berniat ninggalin HP adek gue sebagai jaminan, cuma masih nggak dibolehin. :( Dan orang rumah masih nggak ada yang bisa dihubungin. Makin terjebaklah kita. Satu-satunya cara adalah salah satu dari kita ngambil STNK itu di rumah. Tapi kita nggak mau.
Sampai akhirnya gue melancarkan jurus andalan gue setiap kepepet (contoh: dompet ilang, telat sejam pas ujian, dll.) yaitu, pasang tampang MELAS, and finally............... it WORKED!
Akhirnya kita dibolehin pergi dengan syarat harus balik sebelum jam 10 dan KTM juga Kartu Pelajar adek gue ditahan.

Diperjalanan adek gue bilang,

Aman: "Gue tau tuh kenapa mas-masnya ngebolehin kita pergi. Soalnya, MUKA LO MELAS BANGETTT!!!"
Aman: "Lo udah berpengalaman soal begini-beginianan sih, lo kan sering ngilangin barang."
Chay: "SIALANN, setidaknya kita boleh pulang."

Sesampainya di rumah papa udah pulang dan mama juga ada. Kita cerita dan semua lagsung panik nyari. Dan ngga ketemu. Adek gue bilang kemungkinan di atas meja belajarnya karena kemarin habis beres-beres dompet, STNK di taruh disitu. Tapi ternyata nggak ada, makin panik lah gue. Gimana nggak? KTM gue kalo ilang gantinya 100ribu dan ngurusnya ribet banget, adek gue sih enak, KTP nya udah kadaluarsa. Sampai akhirnya papa nemu tuh STNK di lemari TV. Kita semua nggak ngerti kenapa STNK itu bisa ada disana. Fuihh, gue dan adik gue pun balik ke Lippo buat nembus KTM gue. Dan di perjalanan pulang, gue dan adek gue memutuskan makan Pecel Lele di pinggir jalan saking ga kuat kelaperan. Bayangin aja jam 10 dan belom makan nasi.

Balik lagi ke rumah mama pun nasihatin gue (kata bagusnya selain marahin),

Mama: "TUH! kamu sihhh nyuruh orang bolos ngaji malah ngajakin nonton. Itu tuh akibatnya."
Chay: "Iya, iya"

So, pesan moral dari kesialan gue hari ini adalah,
Jangan maksa adek lo bolos ngaji buat nemenin nonton Sherlock Holmes!
*Walau filmnya emang bagus banget. :p

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I'm not fall in love easily. But, for these guys, I fell in my knees. Lebay!!! Hahaha...
Okay, here we go. Two men I obsessed the most recently.

Mr. Jude Law


Mr. Marcello a.k.a Ello

Well, sebenernya ga ada alasan yang 'penting' kenapa gue memasukkan mereka ke 'Two Man I obsessed' sih selain gue lagi ga ada kerjaan. Hehe. Tapi gue suka banget aksen British Jude Law di The Holiday dan PENGEN BANGET nonton Sherlock Holmes yang belom kesampean gara-gara ga ada yang bisa diajak. BUT, I WILL! Sedangkan buat Mas Ello, emhh, karenaaa.... jarang-jarang gue suka sama artis Indonesia. Sekalinya gue suka, gue mau mengabadikanya di blog gue. Penting abis emang. Hehehe..
Tapi harap diingat bahwa gue adalah orang yang bisa -sangat- cepat bosan. Jadi, there's always a possibility that I'm no longer in love with these men. Like they know and care. Hahaha...
Well, enough for the stupid talk. Have a happy life everyone! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

what we called friendship. what we called destiny.

Here is a story about friendship.
We came from different time zones. different cultures. different places.
There were,

me, Chairunisa Azizah

Ria Aryani,

Sarika Apriyeni,

Kinanti Pangestiaji,

Adlia Nazila,

Nurfina Osman,

Anggreini Ginting,

Windy Rismayanti,

Nisa Latifah Haliman.

Yes, we met there. In that gloomy building that they called 'Pondok Sawo'. I don't know for sure why we chose that one, but now i realized, maybe it is what people called fate. Destiny.
We spent the first semester with laugh and tears. We built what they called friendship. Then, Icha and Windy had to go. But don't worry, we still meet some times. The rest still stick together. Making the same coffee and pop mie in the middle of the night. Dancing like no one watch and hear. Watch those romantic comedy movies. Gossiping and watch that stupid infotainment, laughing those parties involved in reality shows. We argued sometimes but it's fine. We will be back as tomorrow comes. We visited places together. We laugh and shared our tears. But it's time the other to leave.
Ria, I know she has a very good reason for this. And if it's for good, what can we say? Yes, I will miss you so bad. However i did annoying to you, I love you, you're my mother in that place. You told me what's right and wrong, you made me met him. And i wish you everything that good for you. Thank you for everything, every laugh you bring to us. We love you. So much.
Ika, we don't want you to leave. Who will be the one to share night with if I want to study all night? I know, we always talk about what you provided to us in your room, but it's not just that. Whether you don't have dispenser, television, hair dryer, iron or whatever it is, you still our very nice friend. You always there when we need help. Thank you, Ika. Thank you for everything and sorry if we do so much damage in you room. But we love you too much until we can't let you go.

If you guys moved, what will I do in my room every night? Study by myself? Without hear your laughter in front of my room? It will be frustrating. Wira will move too, lil' bit far then usual. And he won't meet me as much as he met me in the last semester. And it will be as bad as you guys leaving me.
My mom told me hundred times to move to my cousin's house, but i refused. I want to be with you guys. My friends told me to move in to 'Kutek', but i refused. I want to be with my heterogeneous friends. I don't care you don't have calculator or help me with my accounting tasks but I want you guys to laugh with me. That's all I need. That's my medicine if I got bad scores or fought with my boyfriend. Maybe I have to find another medicine, but I just couldn't think of anything close to you, guys.

At the end I just wanna say, Yes, maybe you go for good, maybe that's what best. Maybe this is what meant to be. Like a story, every meeting has its ending. But I will remember you clearly guys. Remember our stupid jokes and nights we spent. And you are the best that I ever had. I love you so much and I'm sorry if i act like a spoiled brat sometimes. And I believe there will be time when we can meet again and laugh. :)


kiky fiqi: hahaha
kiky fiqi: i never know u are that sensitive
kiky fiqi: secara yaaaaa
chairunisa.azizah: buhh ki
chairunisa.azizah: friend means everthing to me
kiky fiqi: asikkkkkkkkkkk
chairunisa.azizah: hahahah

Friday, January 1, 2010

Life is unfair and it will never be.

Pernah ga sih kamu merasa bahwa dunia ini nggak adil?

Saat yang benar dipersalahkan dan yang salah didewakan.

Banyak orang bilang, orang baik hidupnya nggak lama. Tapi kenapa orang jahat bisa hidup bahagia sampai tiga turunan?

Tolong jangan jawab kita akan mendapat balasannya di akhirat nanti. Walaupun mungkin, jawabannya itu.

Terus kemana kata-kata, we get what we deserve? Dan KARMA! Kemana karma pergi? Bukannya apa yang kita lakukan akan berbalik pada kita akhirnya?

Tapi kenapa banyak orang baik tertindas hingga akhir hayat dan orang jahat tetap jahat hingga ajal menjemput?

Kenapa hidup nggak bisa lebih kayak film? Memiliki akhir bahagia. Dan kenapa penyakit mengerikan nggak cuma tercetak di buku aja. Lalu kenapa takdir buruk nggak terperangkap di novel aja?

Mungkin gue terlalu banyak bertanya. Mungkin gue terlalu naïf. Mungkin gue terlihat nggak beragama. Mungkin gue cuma seseorang yang terlalu percaya sama kata-kata klise yang sering diucapkan aktor lawas tahun 90an, dunia memang ga adil.

Kenapa dunia harus merengut senyum seseorang dan membiarkan seringai jahat tetap berada di sini? Bukankah kita semua mengharapkan hidup yang bahagia?

Maaf jika terdengar skeptis, tapi gue nggak mengerti ada apa dengan takdir dan dunia. Namun, mungkin gue akan mengerti seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Mungkin, pada akhirnya gue akan menerima semua takdir tersebut dengan lapang dada dan bersikap positif.

Seperti seseorang yang masih menginginkan I-Pod Touch di waktu ia akan menjalani operasi tumor.

stupidity continues

Well, first of all. I want to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!

Earth is having a birthday today and He's getting (much more) older. 2010, isn't it amazing?? Okay, lil' bit out of the topic i guess. Because actually, i want to share my New Year Eve last night with my best friends. Since people said, picture speaks thousand words. So, I decided to uploaded the pictures from last night. May you enjoy it. :)

Caption: Me & Cicit waiting for the others to come

Habis makan-makan para lelaki langsung meraih stick buat main game bola. Wanita nonton sambil ngobrol-ngobrol. Liat yang dijambak sendy! YAP, abe jadi kasur kedua kita. Haha.

Sambil nunggu jam 12 teng, kami pun berfoto-foto ria di webcam padahal niat awalnya adalah nonton film. Haha.

RUSUHHH!!!!! Hahaha.

Yap, beginilah keadaan di rumah Cicit sepanjang malam. Hehehe.

Ini waktu kembang api udah menghiasi langit malam tahun 2010.

Fireworks shower over our head. :)

Setelah ribut-ribut ngeliat kembang api gratisan dikasihlah another free fireworks dari tetangga Cicit yang baik hati itu. Gimana ga baik? Udah kita ribut banget masih nggak dilemparin Mangga juga. *Apa hubungannya mangga dengan ini? Gue juga nggak tau.

Well, as I said at the opening, Happy New Year 2010 Everyone. Hopefully this year we'll be better. AMINN........ :D