Okay, here we go. Two men I obsessed the most recently.
Mr. Jude Law

Mr. Marcello a.k.a Ello

Well, sebenernya ga ada alasan yang 'penting' kenapa gue memasukkan mereka ke 'Two Man I obsessed' sih selain gue lagi ga ada kerjaan. Hehe. Tapi gue suka banget aksen British Jude Law di The Holiday dan PENGEN BANGET nonton Sherlock Holmes yang belom kesampean gara-gara ga ada yang bisa diajak. BUT, I WILL! Sedangkan buat Mas Ello, emhh, karenaaa.... jarang-jarang gue suka sama artis Indonesia. Sekalinya gue suka, gue mau mengabadikanya di blog gue. Penting abis emang. Hehehe..
Tapi harap diingat bahwa gue adalah orang yang bisa -sangat- cepat bosan. Jadi, there's always a possibility that I'm no longer in love with these men. Like they know and care. Hahaha...
Well, enough for the stupid talk. Have a happy life everyone! :)
Tapi harap diingat bahwa gue adalah orang yang bisa -sangat- cepat bosan. Jadi, there's always a possibility that I'm no longer in love with these men. Like they know and care. Hahaha...
Well, enough for the stupid talk. Have a happy life everyone! :)
ello emang ganteng banget yaa , chay . kemaren pas UGM jazz , ello maen jugaa . mantafh banget deehhhh . hahahahaa
ReplyDeletengahhh,bikin ngiri deh pop. :(