We came from different time zones. different cultures. different places.
There were,

me, Chairunisa Azizah

Sarika Apriyeni,

Windy Rismayanti,

Nisa Latifah Haliman.
Yes, we met there. In that gloomy building that they called 'Pondok Sawo'. I don't know for sure why we chose that one, but now i realized, maybe it is what people called fate. Destiny.We spent the first semester with laugh and tears. We built what they called friendship. Then, Icha and Windy had to go. But don't worry, we still meet some times. The rest still stick together. Making the same coffee and pop mie in the middle of the night. Dancing like no one watch and hear. Watch those romantic comedy movies. Gossiping and watch that stupid infotainment, laughing those parties involved in reality shows. We argued sometimes but it's fine. We will be back as tomorrow comes. We visited places together. We laugh and shared our tears. But it's time the other to leave.
Ria, I know she has a very good reason for this. And if it's for good, what can we say? Yes, I will miss you so bad. However i did annoying to you, I love you, you're my mother in that place. You told me what's right and wrong, you made me met him. And i wish you everything that good for you. Thank you for everything, every laugh you bring to us. We love you. So much.
Ika, we don't want you to leave. Who will be the one to share night with if I want to study all night? I know, we always talk about what you provided to us in your room, but it's not just that. Whether you don't have dispenser, television, hair dryer, iron or whatever it is, you still our very nice friend. You always there when we need help. Thank you, Ika. Thank you for everything and sorry if we do so much damage in you room. But we love you too much until we can't let you go.
If you guys moved, what will I do in my room every night? Study by myself? Without hear your laughter in front of my room? It will be frustrating. Wira will move too, lil' bit far then usual. And he won't meet me as much as he met me in the last semester. And it will be as bad as you guys leaving me.
My mom told me hundred times to move to my cousin's house, but i refused. I want to be with you guys. My friends told me to move in to 'Kutek', but i refused. I want to be with my heterogeneous friends. I don't care you don't have calculator or help me with my accounting tasks but I want you guys to laugh with me. That's all I need. That's my medicine if I got bad scores or fought with my boyfriend. Maybe I have to find another medicine, but I just couldn't think of anything close to you, guys.
At the end I just wanna say, Yes, maybe you go for good, maybe that's what best. Maybe this is what meant to be. Like a story, every meeting has its ending. But I will remember you clearly guys. Remember our stupid jokes and nights we spent. And you are the best that I ever had. I love you so much and I'm sorry if i act like a spoiled brat sometimes. And I believe there will be time when we can meet again and laugh. :)
kiky fiqi: hahaha
kiky fiqi: i never know u are that sensitive
kiky fiqi: secara yaaaaa
chairunisa.azizah: buhh ki
chairunisa.azizah: friend means everthing to me
kiky fiqi: asikkkkkkkkkkk
chairunisa.azizah: hahahah
chaiyy.. bikin terharu nii tulisan..
ReplyDeleteaku sayang kalian semua..
klo pun ntar kita pada pisah,
kita harus kumpul-kumpul yg cukup rutin yaa..
nginep bareng lagi..
klo perlu bikin arisan kayak keluarga aku..
ReplyDeletegw terharu bacanya...
rasanya berat ninggalin kalian.
gak ad teman berbagi lagi..
berbagi makanan apalagi :)
gak ada orang ajaib yang seseru kalian :)
mungkin nanti klo emng jadi, gw mau ngontrak di kontrakan windi.
dan berhub gw hanya ber dua sm kk gw.
lo semua bisa nginep dirumh sambil masak" (walau gak ada yg bisa masak)
bisa ngajak icha sm windi juga.
gw bakal sering kponsaw kok :)
dan gimana klo kita bikin arisan biar kita ttp bisa ngumpul sambil main uno.
klo gw ada tugas yg butuh pendapat , gw juga bakal ngedatengi kalian satu" buat di tanyain :)
Aku sayang kalian semua.
semester kemrn gak bakal gw lupain deh..
klo weekend pada gak balik bole pada nginep dikontrakan gw kok.
tenang kk gw gak rese kok.
dia akan menerima kita apa adanya.
miss u guys.
dan btw kok ria mau pindah juga:)
awas klo nanti pada gak mau kkontrakan gw.
jgan sok "gak mau ngerepoti yah" :)
selama ini khan kalian gak tau malu.
biar nanti ria yang jelasin ka. tapi gue jamin lo semua bakalan ngerti kok. makannya sebelum semua ini kejadian kita harus ngumpul dulu yaaa...
ReplyDeletesediiihh bacanyaaa :'(
Riaa,kamu mau pindah kemana??knp satu persatu jd pindah gini??tambah sepi aja ponsaw..bakalan gak ada lagi suara2 menggelegar di tengah malam walaupun itu jaman2 ujian klo pada pindah :( meskipun gw akui suara kalian annoying (hehehe),tp justru itu yg membuat ponsaw jadi 'hidup'!
setuju sama chaii,ayoo kita kumpul 'full team' sebelum pada pindah..jgn lupa kabari yaa ;))