Have you ever heard about 'Free Hugs'? Agak telat sebenernya ngebahas tentang hal ini, since it was invited by Juan Mann at 2004 and popular in 2006. I think I saw about this campaign at one of Oprah's episode back then. And I think that was a very brilliant idea that ever came to someone's mind.
The hugs are meant to be random act of kindness - selfless acts performed just to make others feel better.Dan kenapa tiba-tiba gue pengen membahas hal ini? Sebenernya karena habis blog-walking dan nemu foto 'Free Hugs'. Free Hugs ini pun udah pernah diadain di Chile, Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Sydney and many more. Pengen deh rasanya ngadain di Jakarta (setau gue belom ada) semoga aja ga langsung ditimpukin FPI, hehe.
Because I do think that hug is the most powerful remedy of a broken heart and other sad feelings, don't you think? The comfort hug from your mother, the warm hug from a very-bestfriend, the passionate hug from a lover, aren't that's why we still live in this cruel world? Realizing that after all the pain, maybe all you need is just a hug to tell you;
'everything will be just fine'Asal jangan di salah gunakan aja ya, since the point of the campaign is to show the world that real love does exist, something that doesn't cost you at all. And comfort doesn't always have to come from your loved one, but also from someone you barely know (in this campaign), it's all about good motives, don't you think?
Enuff said, maybe I'll go to 'Bundaran HI' and start this campaign someday. Hopefully I won't shoot by the police officers. Cheers, people. :)
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