How's your Sunday, everyone? Hope it is as good as mine. :D
I am not going anywhere this Sunday but I enjoy this Sunday with lying around, watching TV, playing around in the Internet, cooking with my mom and do some random photoshoot! Yes, I would like to show you the results of my immediate-random-photoshoot. But please, don't expect too much. I'm not a photographer, I'm interested in that field but I don't have any further plan to dig deeper in that field. But since today is special (read: I don't have anything to do) so, I want to do a photoshoot. Location? My house, because I don't have any mood to going out today so I'll just use everything I have in my house like; my mom's stuffs, my brothers and my brother as an additional model. So, I already warn you, do not put your hope too high. But, I wish you enjoy and please leave a comment, I really want to know your thoughts about my today's post. Thank you and may you enjoy. :D
Piggy -Chicken- Bank

As you can see, those are piggy bank (celengan) in Chicken's shape. My mom bought those for my brothers years ago and I just found it, yeay! It's already rare, so I took a picture of it. And as you can guess, there is no money inside it, hahaha...

My mom and dad is a big fan of 'using sandal in the house' so... they introduced us (me and my brothers) to slipper! Well, in this case, a Doraemon slipper and hotel's slipper. The Doraemon is mine, my mom bought it for me when I really like Doraemon, which is years ago. -_-
My brothers like to use hotel's slipper... outside! There were time when my brother went to malls using that one and my mom always furious about it but he kept talking that hotel's slipper is the most comfy footwear. Yea, right. But, we don't use it anymore, I found those in our storage room. So, as you can see, the condition already... bad.
My Bro's Sneakers

Actually, I don't know why I post this picture (my bro's shoes). The point is, I want to post a shoes picture but my shoes are in Depok (my dorm) and the only thing that left is my bro's. So, I took them. However, I always want to have shoes like that, the long one! Because most of my shoes look so petite. -_-

My mom's brooches and my necklace. I don't use jewelleries, because I used to lose it all so I'd better not use it, hehe.
Lil' Garden

My house is not too big, that's why we don't have a big garden, but my mom insists to have a garden, that's why you'll find lots of pots in my home.

These are made by me and my mom. The first one is, Mie Goreng Seafood made by mom and me (a little) and the second one is Udang Goreng Tepung made by me! If you don't know yet, I'm not that bad at cooking. I love to cook, but sometimes I just don't have time or... I'm just too lazy, hehe. One of my specialty is Udang Goreng Tepung, Nasi Goreng Campur Aduk (I usually put everything inside it, ;p) and Mie Goreng Jawa.

Three people in my family use glasses (My dad, mom and myself), that's why you'll find a lot of glasses scattered around in this house, especially my dad's glasses. My dad has a lot of glasses, it's in his bag, in his office and in the house. He puts glasses everywhere so he won't worry if he forgets to bring one, weird I know. The boy whom use glasses above is my brother, he doesn't use glasses actually, but I forced him to do it, ;p. Please don't mind the face (I know, I am much more cuter than him) and the hair (he is still in high school so the hair is very old fashion).
My Brother

I have two brother. The first one is in the 2nd grade of senior high school and the second one is just got in Senior High School. This photo is the picture of my 1st brother because my 2nd brother is out (basketball training, jamming or something). Please don't mind the outfit, he just woke up and I forced him to be my model, haha. Next time I'm going to photoshoot my 2nd brother.
Behind the photoshoot

Yes, this is me and my brother. We fight a lot -a lot,a lot and A LOT!!!- but when we are in a good mood we can be a real good friend and sibling of course. By the way sorry for the lazy face and the outfit, we're just in the mood for lying around today, so we don't dress up. :p
Woaaa what a long post today. I guess it's time to say good bye (for now). So, see you in the next round. And once again, Happy Sunday! :D