Kemarin gue habis sakit. Well, nggak parah-parah banget sih. Tapi cukup -sangat- menyiksa. Gue adalah orang yang suka sok kuat dan nyepelein kondisi tubuh yang ga fit, pokoknya berasa wonder woman banget deh. Dan gue menyadari akhir-akhir ini gue emang agak memforsir diri untuk mengerjakan tugas kuliah yang menumpuk seperti gunung. Huhuhuhu... :'(
Semester ini gue ambil 23 Sks dengan 7 mata kuliah dimana dosen-dosennya hobiiiii banget ngasih tugas, PR, makalah, paper, pokoknya semua yang bikin hidup mahasiswa ga tenang deh. Bayangin aja pulang ke rumah pun gue harus ngegeret dua sampe tiga buku yang beratnya ngalahin kantong belanjaan ibu-ibu belanja bulanan. Berlebihan, I know. :p Secara semester-semester lalu hidup gue enak banget, gue jadi ga terbiasa dengan siksaan bertubi-tubi ini. Serius, ga semalam pun gue bebas tugas atau setidaknya belajar buat kuis. Berasa banget lah jadi anak kuliahannya. Jadi bagi adik-adik yang masih memakai seragam putih abu-abu, ga selamanya kuliah itu enak, dik. Hehehehe, padahal dulu gue mikir bakal lebih santai kuliah secara bisa ngatur jadwal sendiri tapi ternyata.... ZONK!
Tapi setidaknya sekarang gue bisa belajar bahwa memforsir tubuh sendiri itu ga baik hasilnya. Mulai sekarang gue harus mulai merubah kebiasaan buruk gue yang ga pernah sarapan padahal baru bisa makan siang jam 2. Dan berhenti sok kuat pastinya! Nekat tetep ngerjain tugas seabrek-abrek tanpa istirahat dan maksa ikutan kuis besokannya padahal kepala udah mau pecah dan udah keringet dingin is a BIG NO-NO! Untung pak dosen berbaik hati mengizinkan gue keluar duluan, ga tau deh nasib kuis gue gimana, hahaha. Dan gue dengan sok kuatnya ga bilang-bilang sama nyokap kalo gue sakit, heran lah dia saat gue pulang -dianterin sama kiki dan mamanya yang baikkkkkkkk sekali. :*- gue udah di kasur nangis kesakitan. Satu lagi kebiasaan buruk gue, kalo sakit depan nyokap entah kenapa gue malah nangis, pokoknya kalo depan nyokap berasanya lemah banget deh, ga bisa sok kuat. Hehehe, kayaknya semua anak begitu ya?
But so far I am fine. Kata bu dokter ini gara-gara gue suka telat makan, kecapekan dan kehujanan. Sebagai hasil kecerobohan gue sendiri sekarang gue harus menegak lima macam obat, GREAT!
Jadi, pelajarannya adalah, selama lo nggak punya DNA laba-laba atau kucing di tubuh lo, ga usah sok kuat kayak gue atau nanti malah tumbang ditengah jalan, sayang kerjaan lo yang malah akhirnya terbengkalai kan? Mending ngerjain satu-satu. Slowly but surely for sure. So, I have to go now, kepala mulai berdenging dan gue mau cepet sembuh!!!!! Wish me luck! :*
P.S: Just watched Funny People. Good one, you have to try that, Adam Sandler's.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My Super FUN class. :)
Kelas Akuntansi Sektor Publik (ASP) gue itu emang ajaib banget. Beda sama kelas-kelas lainnya, karena bener-bener nerapin Student Center Learning (SCL) bukan sekedar dengerin dosen ngomong alias lecturing. Di kelas gue yang notabene kedua dosennya suami-istri, bener-bener unik karena sering diadain kegiatan semacem Role Play alias main drama-drama-an bahkan yang paling seru yaitu kemarin kita disuruh bikin film! Durasi 5 menit dan hanya dikasih waktu shooting selama 30 menit. Karena menurut teori dosen gue, saat lo sedang dalam kondisi underpreassure lo semakin kreatif dan bisa mengeluarkan the best of you. Dan emang bener banget. Film-nya pun ga sekedar film cheesy tapi ada tema-nya masing-masing. Ada Pemerintah Daerah, Partai Politik, dll. Sedangkan kelompok gue kebagian tema Universitas. Di film pendek ini gue dan keempat temen gue lainnnya ngejelasin universitas sebagai organisasi publik dengan cara yang lebih menarik dan mudah untuk diingat. And it is so FUN! :D
Pengen gue upload di sini cuma gue ga punya mentahannya karena yg megang soft copy temen gue. Jadi, gue kasih URL nya aja ya. Silahkan di cek, disini. Hope you like it. Bahkan kelas gue punya Fan Page di Facebook loh dimana mahasiswa bisa ikut komentar, bikin diskusi dan bahkan kadang dosen gue ngasih tau tugas disana, bisa di cek, disini. Selain itu, gue mau kasih foto-foto kondisi kelas gue kalo lagi belajar a.k.a bermain. Semoga bisa diterapkan di mata kuliah lain atau bahkan universitas lain! :)
Pengen gue upload di sini cuma gue ga punya mentahannya karena yg megang soft copy temen gue. Jadi, gue kasih URL nya aja ya. Silahkan di cek, disini. Hope you like it. Bahkan kelas gue punya Fan Page di Facebook loh dimana mahasiswa bisa ikut komentar, bikin diskusi dan bahkan kadang dosen gue ngasih tau tugas disana, bisa di cek, disini. Selain itu, gue mau kasih foto-foto kondisi kelas gue kalo lagi belajar a.k.a bermain. Semoga bisa diterapkan di mata kuliah lain atau bahkan universitas lain! :)
Friday, February 12, 2010
random 3
Tadinya berniat untuk posting yang agak-agak berat tapi ga jadi karena otak ini udah terlalu mampet kalo disuruh mikir lagi secara akhir-akhir ini si otak udah bekerja terlalu keras. Hehehehe. Karena itu ketika melihat tetangga sebelah a.k.a Tante Teko bermain kuis-kuis semacam ini jadi kepengen ikutan. Just for fun and refresh your busy mind. Silahkan loh yang mau nyoba, di sini.
Ini hasil dari coba-coba gue silahkan menilai benar atau tidaknya, hehehe. :p
What's on your mind?
You think money and love are equally important. You have an interest in many things in life, and work hard to ensure that you maintain a healthy balance between work, play and love. However, you tend to be unable to decide on what you really want to do with your life. You wouldn't dream of leaving your loved one for one or two million dollars, but you would have to reconsider if the offer rose to 100 million dollars.
I say: ngahhh, totally right!
What type of personality do you have?
I say: yahh, silakan yang mau muntah, gue udah duluan. :p
Selain itu gue mau share musik yang lagi gue suka banget dengerin. Yap, yap :
Ini hasil dari coba-coba gue silahkan menilai benar atau tidaknya, hehehe. :p
What's on your mind?
You think money and love are equally important. You have an interest in many things in life, and work hard to ensure that you maintain a healthy balance between work, play and love. However, you tend to be unable to decide on what you really want to do with your life. You wouldn't dream of leaving your loved one for one or two million dollars, but you would have to reconsider if the offer rose to 100 million dollars.
I say: ngahhh, totally right!
What type of personality do you have?
Kind and Gentle:
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.
I say: yahh, silakan yang mau muntah, gue udah duluan. :p
Selain itu gue mau share musik yang lagi gue suka banget dengerin. Yap, yap :
NO, bukannya sok-sokan jadi anak disko tapi menurut gue musik macem ini terdengar sangat sophisticated and fun to my ear. My favorite artist? Of course.
Last but not least, have a wonderful weekend people. Especially for those who celebrate Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai*
*maap ya kalo tulisannya salah. :p
P.s: Here is one of photo of our OFWNE meeting

Owl City

Pasti udah pada tahu, yap. Adam Young is such a very talented boy. :)
Selain itu gue juga suka sama Daft Punk dan masih banyak lagi.
Selain itu gue juga suka sama Daft Punk dan masih banyak lagi.
Last but not least, have a wonderful weekend people. Especially for those who celebrate Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai*
*maap ya kalo tulisannya salah. :p
P.s: Here is one of photo of our OFWNE meeting

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Can't buy me love
I live in Indonesia. A beautiful country that consist from -more or less- 17.000 islands, in 6oLU – 11oLS and 95oBB – 141oBT. Based on the location, Indonesia passed by equator line or Indonesian said, Garis Khatulistiwa. Equator line is an imaginary line that divide earth in to two sides. Therefore, Indonesia only has two seasons, sunny and rainy. We got tropical jungles with exotic floras and faunas surrounding us. Under our feet there are oils, golds, tins and other valuable minerals. We should be one of those rich countries. We supposed to lead mineral market and have the least unemployment and starving children. In fact, we are not rich country nor lead mineral market. To make it more worse we are one of the undeveloped countries with the largest population.
I'm not saying I'm not proud with my country, in fact, I LOVE INDONESIA. Yes, whether people said they are not proud with their own country I don't give a shit to them. I may want to go somewhere else for some sight-seeing but still Indonesia is in my first priority if I talk about living. I love being here with the polluted river and un-fresh air. I'm not talking sarcastic here, I'm just being realistic. I hate that we still crushed our country inside and out, talking about 'global warming' but still having our air conditioner on all day long. I cursed those big power people whom steal my country's money. Those with no justice feeling in their heart. I am not paying tax yet but I know that tax isn't supposed to pay somebody else's vacation's bill. I am also pretty sure that sleeping in your chair isn't included in their job description. Yes, I love my country because Indonesia did nothing to crush people's live, but we did. Well, 'they' did! I'm so sorry for those who sick being here and blaming everything in my lovely country. Whatever the reason is, this is where we born, where we belong.
I still can't figure it out what to do to fix my country. I'm just a college student with no power to judge someone right or wrong or make things little bit better. All I can is watch television, read some newspaper and not knowing whether it is right or wrong. I'm hoping that my writing can at least give people a different point of view about their loyalty to this country. That we supposed to be proud and not just mocking with doing nothing. Yes, this is the least that I can do for now.
Some days ago I went with economy class train. I saw beggars, lots and lots of beggars. Then I took a look to the window, to the skyscraper. There are lots and lots of that building in Jakarta but still I can see beggars scattered in Jakarta's filthy streets. I see mother and children sat under fly over giving their 'best look' to have people sympathy. Kids running in the roads with guitars try to make some money. Education is not in their 'to-do-list' but eat and sleep enough is. I heard someone said,
I really agree. But with these conditions, what can we do. Really? There are too much tasks to make this country right again. Pay our country's debt, give more attention to education, reduce unemployment, go on and go on. Whether years are flying by we can't finish these tasks yet.
Then I went to some classy malls, took a look to people there and then I get confused. Which one of Indonesia is poor and filthy? Women covered themselves with expensive designer clothes, men got those sophisticated gadgets. Mercedes, BMW or even Ferrari, you can found here, easily. Then, please tell me, where the hell is Indonesia's part is undeveloped? When I was there, I feel like somebody put a blind fold upon my eyes. Then I took a look to the window and see the beggars still in the roads, scattered. They do not become less and even multiply. Then I realize I have to put off my blind fold, the reality is there, across the street. Not here with fancy desserts and too bright colorful lights. Life is what you have in the road not in the back seat of Ferrari.
I feel grateful that I can see both sides of life. The filthy one and the fancy one. I am not belong to both world because I live in the middle, starring the both world collide and try not to involved. I'm not trying to be ignorant but I guess, here is where I belong. I can't take the pressure to live in the road but live in the bright side of the world doesn't guarantee me happiness either. Louis Vitton bag may bring you happiness but it's only for a while, being fashionable may give a cheer upon your face but it won't last forever. Yes, you and your latex legging won't last, miss. Trend come and go and you have to running unless you left behind. But sometimes you just tired of running. Work harder, have a lot of money but leaves you alone in the evening. Got to wake up early in the morning but no one there to kiss you good morning is suck. But even having someone to hug you but no money to buy some bread isn't sound that good. We need to have life and love. Having much of both is not the option because life is all about balancing. Even The Beatles said,
There are lots of tasks to fix this country, to fix our life. But as long as we try, there is still a hope. :)
I'm not saying I'm not proud with my country, in fact, I LOVE INDONESIA. Yes, whether people said they are not proud with their own country I don't give a shit to them. I may want to go somewhere else for some sight-seeing but still Indonesia is in my first priority if I talk about living. I love being here with the polluted river and un-fresh air. I'm not talking sarcastic here, I'm just being realistic. I hate that we still crushed our country inside and out, talking about 'global warming' but still having our air conditioner on all day long. I cursed those big power people whom steal my country's money. Those with no justice feeling in their heart. I am not paying tax yet but I know that tax isn't supposed to pay somebody else's vacation's bill. I am also pretty sure that sleeping in your chair isn't included in their job description. Yes, I love my country because Indonesia did nothing to crush people's live, but we did. Well, 'they' did! I'm so sorry for those who sick being here and blaming everything in my lovely country. Whatever the reason is, this is where we born, where we belong.
I still can't figure it out what to do to fix my country. I'm just a college student with no power to judge someone right or wrong or make things little bit better. All I can is watch television, read some newspaper and not knowing whether it is right or wrong. I'm hoping that my writing can at least give people a different point of view about their loyalty to this country. That we supposed to be proud and not just mocking with doing nothing. Yes, this is the least that I can do for now.
Some days ago I went with economy class train. I saw beggars, lots and lots of beggars. Then I took a look to the window, to the skyscraper. There are lots and lots of that building in Jakarta but still I can see beggars scattered in Jakarta's filthy streets. I see mother and children sat under fly over giving their 'best look' to have people sympathy. Kids running in the roads with guitars try to make some money. Education is not in their 'to-do-list' but eat and sleep enough is. I heard someone said,
The most powerful weapon is not gun nor bomb. It is education.
I really agree. But with these conditions, what can we do. Really? There are too much tasks to make this country right again. Pay our country's debt, give more attention to education, reduce unemployment, go on and go on. Whether years are flying by we can't finish these tasks yet.
Then I went to some classy malls, took a look to people there and then I get confused. Which one of Indonesia is poor and filthy? Women covered themselves with expensive designer clothes, men got those sophisticated gadgets. Mercedes, BMW or even Ferrari, you can found here, easily. Then, please tell me, where the hell is Indonesia's part is undeveloped? When I was there, I feel like somebody put a blind fold upon my eyes. Then I took a look to the window and see the beggars still in the roads, scattered. They do not become less and even multiply. Then I realize I have to put off my blind fold, the reality is there, across the street. Not here with fancy desserts and too bright colorful lights. Life is what you have in the road not in the back seat of Ferrari.
I feel grateful that I can see both sides of life. The filthy one and the fancy one. I am not belong to both world because I live in the middle, starring the both world collide and try not to involved. I'm not trying to be ignorant but I guess, here is where I belong. I can't take the pressure to live in the road but live in the bright side of the world doesn't guarantee me happiness either. Louis Vitton bag may bring you happiness but it's only for a while, being fashionable may give a cheer upon your face but it won't last forever. Yes, you and your latex legging won't last, miss. Trend come and go and you have to running unless you left behind. But sometimes you just tired of running. Work harder, have a lot of money but leaves you alone in the evening. Got to wake up early in the morning but no one there to kiss you good morning is suck. But even having someone to hug you but no money to buy some bread isn't sound that good. We need to have life and love. Having much of both is not the option because life is all about balancing. Even The Beatles said,
Money can't buy me Love
There are lots of tasks to fix this country, to fix our life. But as long as we try, there is still a hope. :)
Over and out,
Chairunisa Azizah Wahab
Chairunisa Azizah Wahab
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